NCERT Introduces Bridge Month Programme for Class 6

The world of education in India is undergoing a period of transformation. NCERT introduces Bridge Month Programme which is a new curriculum aligned with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.

This shift brings exciting changes to the classroom experience, particularly for students entering Class 6. One of the key initiatives introduced by NCERT to ensure a smooth transition for students and teachers is the Bridge Month Programme. 

This program, specifically designed for Class 6, aims to bridge the gap between the old and new curriculum while preparing both students and educators for the exciting journey ahead.


NCERT introduces Bridge Month Programme, why?

NCERT Introduces Bridge Month Programme for Class 6


Transitioning to a new curriculum can be challenging. Students accustomed to a particular teaching style and content may feel apprehensive about the changes. Similarly, teachers might require additional training and resources to effectively implement the new curriculum.

The Bridge Month Programme addresses these concerns by providing a dedicated period for:

  • Familiarization: Students and teachers can familiarize themselves with the core principles and learning objectives outlined in the new curriculum for Class 6.
  • Shifting Gears: The program helps teachers adapt their teaching methods to align with the more interactive, competency-based approach emphasized by the NEP 2020. This shift focuses on developing critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and a deeper understanding of concepts, rather than rote memorization.
  • Building Confidence: The Bridge Month Programme allows students and teachers to engage in interactive activities and explore the new learning materials, fostering a sense of confidence and excitement about the upcoming academic year.


What Does the Bridge Month Programme Entail?

The specific details of the Bridge Month Programme may vary across schools, but some general features include:

  • Focus on Interactive Learning: The program encourages active participation from students through engaging activities, discussions, and projects. This creates a more stimulating learning environment compared to traditional lecture-based methods.
  • Integration of Vocational Skills: The NEP 2020 emphasizes the importance of integrating vocational skills into the curriculum. The Bridge Month Programme might introduce students to basic skills in areas such as carpentry, IT, or gardening, sparking their curiosity and providing a foundation for future exploration.
  • Development of Life Skills: Life skills like critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and problem-solving are crucial for success in the 21st century. The Bridge Month Programme may incorporate activities that help students develop these essential skills, preparing them for life beyond academics.
  • Teacher Training: A crucial aspect of the Bridge Month Programme is dedicated to equipping teachers with the necessary skills and resources to effectively implement the new curriculum. This may involve training workshops, online resources, and access to subject-matter experts.


Benefits of the Bridge Month Programme

The Bridge Month Programme offers a multitude of benefits for students, teachers, and the overall educational landscape:

Smoother Transition: By providing a dedicated period for adjustment, the program helps students and teachers adapt to the new curriculum more seamlessly, minimizing potential disruptions to the learning process.

Enhanced Learning Experience: The focus on interactive learning and exploration in the Bridge Month Programme fosters a more engaging and stimulating classroom environment, leading to a deeper understanding of concepts.

Improved Teacher-Student Interaction: The program encourages active participation from both students and teachers, fostering a more collaborative learning environment and strengthening the bond between educators and students.

Preparation for the Future: By integrating vocational skills and life skills development, the Bridge Month Programme equips students with the necessary tools for success in an ever-evolving world.



The Bridge Month Programme is a commendable step by NCERT towards ensuring a smooth and successful implementation of the NEP 2020.

This initiative demonstrates a commitment to providing students with a well-rounded, holistic education and preparing them for the future.

As the program unfolds, it will be crucial to monitor its effectiveness and gather feedback from students, teachers, and parents to ensure it continues to bridge the gap between educational transformation and a fulfilling learning experience.


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